Liquidity Provisioning
Fit For Degens

Itos upgrades AMM Liquidity Provisioning with the latest innovations in LP Derivatives to maximize earnings for our users.

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Bringing excitement back to DeFi

Our Next-Gen Features

+50x Liquidation-Free Leverage

Unlock more capital efficient LPing. Use as much or as little leverage as you want without any liquidations.

Raise your exposure with leverage.

No Out-Of-Range Losses

Hybrid LP derivatives perfectly hedge your principal once you go out of range.

Hybrid LPs combined convexity and concavity.

Two Income Streams

Earn traditional Trading Fees and boost with Lending Fees from LP derivative users.

Lend your unused LP tokens.

Extra Platform Features

Integrated Portfolio Tooling

Extra features we believe all Defi protocols should provide.

Full-Featured Portfolio Management

Portfolio performance tracking so you get honest PnL reports.

Universal cross-margin for all your assets.

Risk-Silos for seperating strategies.

Position sharing to build your investment brand.

Our Mission

Traditional finance builds walled-gardens based on wealth and privilege. They argue most of finance is simply too complicated to let every day users access. We believe that's glaringly false and people should be able to make that choice for themselves.

So we're drawing the well of traditional financial knowledge to build the most advanced and intuitive De-Fi financial engineering to date. And occasionally, we'll build something just for fun, because what's life without a little color.

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Follow-up products

The Roadmap

Non-Liquidating Money Market

Deposit and borrow any token permissionlessly. Cross-margin anything and toggle on and off liquidation protection.

Universal Cross Margining

Borrow against any Itos asset and vetted assets from all the top protocols.

Extreme Leveraged LPing

Take Itos to the next level. Ramp up leverage even more for ultra-short-term finance.

Advanced Perps

An oracle-free perps market, protected perps, MOVE perps, perp options, and more.

Custom Structured Products Builders

Design and create your own vault-free, premissionless Structured Products without vaults or direct underwriters.

Mobile Interface

Stay up to date on the go.

Frequently asked questions

If you have further questions, please reach out at


Start Earning Smarter on Itos

See what opportunities are available on the first dual curve liquidity AMM. Be an early user and farm real yields alongside Season 1 rewards.

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